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How can I successfully configure the 30 days trial?

maria_rapti January 13, 2020

Hi everyone, 

I have installed the server version free trial at a JIRA Service Desk 4.5.1 instance.

The problem is that it seems that is not configured property and I can't try out the tool.

Can you help please to figure out what might be wrong here?


Many thanks,


2 answers

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maria_rapti January 13, 2020

Hi Christian,

First of all I cannot do anything while I am trying to go through the menu -> Profields -> get Started since I am getting the message that I don't have access, although I am connected with an administrator account. As you can see from the following picture.


Then after trying the Profields -> Administration page as it's recommended from the user manual in order to update the permissions, once again I cannot do anything. Check the image below.



 It looks like the plugin hasn't not installed / configured correct. Any idea what that might be?

Cristian Ionescu
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 13, 2020

Hi Maria,

Can you please confrim that your account is in site-admins group?

maria_rapti January 14, 2020

I can confirm that the account I am using is in the site-admins group.

Cristian Ionescu
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 14, 2020

I think the best way is to open a ticket on the Vendor side:

0 votes
Cristian Ionescu
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 13, 2020

Hi Maria,

What error to you encounter?

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