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How can I see a custom field in a transition screen in the customer portal?

Sofia Grunspan July 8, 2020

Hi! I need to add a transition screen with a custom field so when the customer execute the transition through the customer portal can see it.
I've created the custom field, add it to the screen and asociate this screen with the transition but when I execute it in the customer portal, the screen appears but I cannot see the custom field, when I do the same inside JIRA I can see it.
How can I fix this? Thanks from now on

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Jack Brickey
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July 8, 2020

Hi Sofia, unfortunately this is not possible as it stands today. What you can do is set a default value for the custom field and it’ll get set to that when the customer transitions or simply use a post function. Finally, and maybe the best option(?) is to set up an automation to set the value of the one that transitioned the issue was a customer. I think that might be doable in automation but have not tried it myself. 

Pablo Prado March 19, 2021

Do you know any plugin that can achieve this?¿

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Wim Abts April 8, 2022

Hi @Pablo Prado 
We do this using the 'Actions for Jira' add-on 

Not available in Cloud tough

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