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How can I import agile custom fields in jsm of eazybi plugin

aravind1516 February 22, 2023

Hi. We got an requirement where agile custom fields are needed to be imported as dimension in easy bi of jira service management. My requirement is to have Sprint dimension available in easy bi of JSM. Will it be possible to do it. If not can you please suggest us any other different way.



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February 24, 2023

Hello @aravind1516 

Thanks for sending in your question!

​With eazyBI 6.6.0 release, it is possible to import Software custom fields also for Business and Service Management projects.
​You will be able to find the custom fields in your Jira Import options. 
​See the screenshots below where to find them:

eazyBI-Custom fields.png

Once you click on "Show Software Custom fields", you will be able to select for import Sprint related data.

eazyBI-custom fields v2.png

Best wishes,

Elita from

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