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How can I find who assigned an issue to an user?

Radu Niculescu
I'm New Here
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July 20, 2020


We'd like to know who assigned an issue to one of our users, for coaching purposes.

Is there an issue log somewhere?



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Dave Liao
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July 20, 2020

@Radu Niculescu - yep! Assuming you have permissions to access the issue:

  1. Ensure you're looking at the issue from the agent side, not the customer portal side. The URL should include "browse"
  2. In the Activity section, click "History".
  3. You should see ""User Name" changed the Assignee.", where User Name is the person who edited the assignee for that issue.

FYI, the above instructions apply whether you're using the new or old issue view in Jira.

Hope this helps!

Radu Niculescu
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
July 20, 2020

It helps, thanks a lot

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Dave Liao
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July 20, 2020

@Radu Niculescu - please "accept" my answer if it helped you. Appreciate it, and good luck using Jira!

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July 31, 2020

Hello @Radu Niculescu 

If you are interested in an automated solution that shows the author of the changes to the list of issues that you're interested in, try Issue History.

This add-on shows all the changelog history and who has made each change to issues. To get data on who has added an assignee to the task, you need to select the column with Assignee changes. All the changelog and the author of changes will be displayed there.

I hope, this info will be helpful for you!IH.png

Best regards, Mariana.

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