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Grouping AQL Logic?

Wesley Stewart March 25, 2023

It seems that when using AQL, there is no sense of parenthesis for grouping AND/OR clauses.

For example if I wanted to do something like (in rough pseudo language)

(Thing1 AND Thing2) OR (Thing3 and Thing4)

Any sort of parenthesis or bracket immediately throws an error, and these seem pretty critical to me for any query language.

Is there something I am missing?

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March 29, 2023
Amedee Potier August 31, 2023

What kind of answer is that? You could have stated if it is supported or not, with a simple Yes / No before referencing this article. As for my own experience, I first looked at your reference page, without finding any information about parenthesis before getting to your post. 

The page has no mention of parenthesis. 

This is the first Query Language I see in my long developer life without support or the parenthesis!!!  Very very surprising....  and a key limiting factor.

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