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Error when attempting to get value of Custom Field (Select List (single choice)) field.

Ashvin Patel February 10, 2020

First, we are using Jira server, Agile and Service Desk all installed on the same server (it that matters).

Jira Server - v7.13.2

Jira Agile - v7.13.0-Daily20130221104436

Service Desk - v3.16.2


We want to calculate the Priority of an Incident ticket based on what was selected for Impact and Urgency custom fields (both of which are select list single choice fields).  We have a matrix of what the Priority would be based on the Impact and Urgency.  

Even the simplest script fails :

log.warn('??? Impact = ' + cfValues['Impact']?.value)

This is the error we receive when executing the workflow:

2020-02-10 11:54:29,985 ERROR [workflow.ScriptWorkflowFunction]: Script function failed on issue: null, actionId: 1, file: <inline script>
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: cfValues for class: Script577

the Script577 changes based on what else is in the script.  Currently, there is nothing else in the script aside from the above line to log the value.

The Priority field is also a Select List (Single Choice) Custom Field.

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