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Dynamic forms with dynamic workflows

Devtech83 February 10, 2020

So I have a dynamic form provided by Extension for Jira Service Desk. There is a dropdown on the form to select an application. Depending on what is selected, an Approvers field appears.

The current workflow is the default Service Request. So even if an Approver is put in, it go straight to "Waiting for support". But what I need is a dynamic workflow so that the workflow changes to Service Request with Approvals.

Hope that makes sense?

1 answer

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Florian Edian February 10, 2020


You could use a post function on Create issue transition which is moving the issue to another issue type when Approver field is not empty. I would recommend you to have a look at JMWE.


Devtech83 February 10, 2020

Thanks! Sorry for being thick, but I've installed it


But no idea where to go next. The 1st instruction say click Edit ( but no instructions on how to get there.

Florian Edian February 10, 2020

You have to go through your workflow configuration, click on Create transition and then add a new post function. There, you will have plenty of choices, including "Create/clone issue" or "Set field value". It is pretty easy to get how to configure once in the configuration menu. Don't hesitate to ask me if you want more information.


Devtech83 February 11, 2020

So I go to Project Settings > Workflows > edit a workflow > add transition. But I get no new options for a post function.

Florian Edian February 14, 2020


When you are on the workflow diagram, just click on the transition and you should see a menu on the right, click Post Functions (cf. screenshot below). On the next menu, click Add post function on the right of the screen. From there, you will have plenty of functions. Just select Create / Clone Issue(s) Post-function. Only thing left to do is to configure the function but it is usually pretty straight forward.



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