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Different priority Support ticket system?

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August 24, 2021

Dear Customer Service!

I would like to buy your support-ticket system, but I would need some help.
My website deals with online content production and publishing, we use Wordpress, and a plugin called Ultimate Membership that handles the visibility of subpages.
My questions:

I have 3-4 different visibility subpages on my website, so there are 6 types of subscriptions. Customers can see certain pages depending on whether they are subscribers or not. Each of the 6 pages has a separate customer service menu item.


Menu 1
Menu 1 support

Menu 2
Menu 2 support

Menu 3 support
Menu 3 support

A; Can your software be used to group incoming mail according to which menu you received from customer service?

B; All 6 Menus provide different responsive customer service. In addition to menu grouping, can incoming mail be categorized by response speed? To let my co-workers see which ticket needs to be answered within how long?

C; It is also important to be able to edit the letters, such as inserting an image and formatting them. Is this possible?

D; Can we integrate your software with Trello? If so, what exactly can be done with it in practice?

E; Customers who are already logged in to my Wordpress website and want to write to customer service will always need to provide their name and email address, or can be linked in some way to the Wordpress user database and just write enough after logging in, no need to provide personal data again?

Thank you!

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Jack Brickey
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August 24, 2021

Hi @Zsolt , first let me state that the Community is not Atlassian Support, officially anyway.

With that said, I believe that Jira Service Management can meet your goals but there are a lot of missing details here that likely only be uncovered by trying the product out yourself.

to begin let me state that there are three possible channels for customers to open issues: portal, email and widget embedded into your web pages. When using the portal you can associate request types to forms which will direct your customer to complete the necessary information. With email it is associated to a single request type and there is no form associated with an email request. With the widget there is an abbreviated form that the customer will need to fill out including their email address so that the issue can be associated to that user. While the widget and email do not require any customer to login to the portal certainly would. The final solution is to use the APIs to interface with JSM in a manner that meet your needs. I mention this because you may find that you would want to use the APIs build into your website interface with JSM directly this gives you the ultimate flexibility.

  1. yes - you might want to create separate projects for your different support menus but not necessarily 
  2. yes - again you might find that creating separate projects is the best way to go 
  3. I do not understand this question. The customer can add attachments to the request I do not understand the edit part of your question.
  4. yes there are means to integrate JSM with Trello. The question really is why and to what extent.
  5. if you wanted to integrate with your own customer database that would be required the APIs. If you’re using something like active directory or LDAP there are solutions for that. Finally you may find that the Atlassian Access product would be important for your solution.

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