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Customer view

Ronald Spina June 2, 2020


From my understanding by default a customer can only view ticket request he/she has created from the customer portal.

I would like to know if it is possible to allow certain customers to view ticket requests of other customers.

In a real world scenario I would like to allow a customer (that is a manager of department ABC) to view  ticket request of customers (that are staff working in department ABC that report to the manager).

Thank you.

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Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
Rising Star
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June 2, 2020

Hello @Ronald Spina welcome to the community. Customers can share their tickets with other members and with organizations as well which would be a group of users of needed

Ronald Spina June 2, 2020

Hi,  Thank you for your reply.  Yes this I know but let's say the customer forgets to share the request with his manager then the manager would not be able to view the request in his portal.  Therefore is there way to automatically enable a customer to view the request raised by a certain group?

Ronald Spina June 2, 2020

The idea is to have the manager being able to view all the request raised by his department.

Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
June 2, 2020

You could use the Automation module to auto add either a participant or an organization. Don't fully recall the options so depending on what you have the hardcoded or not that needs to be the solution

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