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Customer is unable at access JIRA Service Desk as we have reached our licence limit

Sean Jorgensen-Day
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May 25, 2020

I have added a customer to our JIRA Service desk, but when he tries to access the site we get the error message that the user does not have have access because our site has reached it's licence limit.


Atlassian Dialogue Box.jpg

He is not being added as a User. He is only being added as a customer which I thought was unlimited

I cannot get help to understand why this is the case because we are on the free version


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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 26, 2020

Customer numbers are indeed unlimited.

Which makes me suspect he's been added as a user somewhere.  Check admin -> manage applications to see what groups have "can use x" and see if there are any accounts in those groups that should only be customers.

Sean Jorgensen-Day
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
May 26, 2020

Hello and thank you for responding.

He was indeed added as a user, however, once I realised there was a difference between a User and a Customer I removed everybody who should be a customer from the Users.

So I'm thinking that JSD still sees him as a User so that we he tried to login as a Customer Atlassian tries to activate him as a User - Which of course would put me over the magic number 10.

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