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Custom field not appearing when creating a new issue

Dean Mullarkey February 20, 2020


I have created a custom field using 'Message Custom Field (for edit)' type but for some reason it does not appear when creating a new issue:


My new custom field:

new custom field.PNG








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Kara February 20, 2020

I just had this issue yesterday.

So first the edit option only appears when you're editing a task. So if you want static text when a user is simply looking at the task, you'll need to use the view.

Next, you'll need to add a default value to the field. I'm using server, so mine was under configure. For cloud, I will assume then that it's under "details".

Dean Mullarkey February 20, 2020

I created it as view but still not appearing, i dont see where i can add a default value to the field as its not under project settings > details

Kara February 20, 2020

I would think it would be here:



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Dean Mullarkey February 20, 2020

I have already filled that in with the information id like displayed.

Dean Mullarkey February 20, 2020


Kara February 20, 2020

Okay, turns out I have access to a cloud instance:

With the message custom field, you must update the default value. Whatever is written in the description is only seen in the backend.

1. On the custom field page, find your new message and click the "..."

2. On the next screen, click the "Edit Default Value"


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