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Cross project burndown jira for fixed period

dorin gez May 23, 2022

Good Evening,

I am looking for a burndown report  for multiple projects or any other good way for velocity & capacity measurement..

we have a team that gets stories from multiple projects.


I've tried using advanced roadmaps team and Jira projects for that use case.

Is it possible in Jira SW DC?




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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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May 23, 2022

Burndown and velocity are artefacts of Scrum sprint methodologies, which, in Jira, are done by boards, not projects

But the single most common start point for it is 1 project, 1 board - so a board selects simply "project = XYZ".  It's even one of the defaults for creating new boards.

Anyway, all you need to do is define a board that selects issue from several projects.  The easiest thing to do is something like:

1.  Define a new saved filter, something like project in (ABC, GHJ, XYZ)

2.  Go to create a new Scrum board, and choose "create from saved filter"

3.  You'll almost certainly want to re-map some of the board columns and do a few sprints (if your filter doesn't pick up older ones from the projects), but once you've got the right status into the last column, you'll be able to get cross-project burndowns and velocity reports from it.

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