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Creating an issue that goes to another project for review

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August 7, 2020

I am fairly new to JSD. I. have done the Admin training part 1 and currently mapping out workflows for my project.

The question i have is:

Once an issue is raised, and reaches a certain point, how can that issue then be sent to another project with in JSD?


Employee fills a report that, once created and reaches a specific point in a work flow, automatically goes to another Queue to be handled by a separate project. 

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Jack Brickey
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August 7, 2020

Hi Tim, welcome to the Community. You really should not move an issue between projects as it breaks the connection with the customer who reported the issue. Rather, I recommend you create a linked issue to the other project,

I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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August 9, 2020

Thank you for the reply. Then my next questions would be:

Would i have to set a workflow permission so that only the employees responsible for this tickets workflow after the initial creation be the only ones able to move it to different status?

It's a sensitive report I am trying to build. So it's vital that only the employee's responsible for carrying out actions on the ticket can move it through steps. Initial creator should not be able to change the status/complete it. 

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