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Creating a prototype project for accepting T&Cs

Aravind Koushik Gobburu January 10, 2022

We have got a requirement to create a prototype of a jira service desk project for accepting T&Cs in a company.  How can this be done. Following are the works created by us.

  • We have created a Task Management type project and created a simple work flow as follows open-> In progress->Done.
  • Users should be able to read the T&Cs while changing the state from open to In progress or in progress to closed.
  • Can we have a check box for the above said cases so that once the check box is ticked meaning they read the T&Cs.
  • Users not ticking in the check box are not allowed to close the ticket or chamgimg of states from in progress to done shouldn't be possible.
  • Can any body tell us a perfect way to do this case.

Thanks in advance.

1 answer

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Aashutosh Kumar January 10, 2022

Hi @Aravind Koushik Gobburu 

Create a Custom Field Checkbox for T&C Accept?, Add it to the screen, 
Edit Workflow, and add a Validator where Checkbox is mandatory.

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