Crear ticket a partir de un correo electrónico

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October 5, 2023

Me apoyan como podría crear tickets a partir de un correo electrónico y validar dependiendo el asunto que si tiene Soporte, se genere el ticket y dependiendo el destinatario @equipoSoporte1 se mande a un canal especifico para ser atendido, Gracias de antemano.

2 answers

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Olha Yevdokymova_SaaSJet
Atlassian Partner
November 6, 2023

Hello @Jose 

If you are okay with add-ons I can recommend you Smart Jira Forms developed by my team. It can be embedded in emails(if you can use html email template) and supports external form submissions, making it an ideal choice for automating ticket creation based on email content. You can find more details and access the add-on on the Atlassian Marketplace - Smart Jira Forms

This should simplify the process of creating tickets from emails with specific criteria. If you have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to ask!

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Ste Wright
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October 6, 2023

Hi @Jose 

I'd check out these help pages as a starting point:

^ Automation should be able to recognise the email domain based on conditional logic - let us know if you need help to set this up!



And in Spanish (according to Google Translate)...

Consultaría estas páginas de ayuda como punto de partida:

^ La automatización debería poder reconocer el dominio de correo electrónico según la lógica condicional. ¡Avísenos si necesita ayuda para configurar esto!

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