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Copy users while creating a ticket

RamR February 20, 2020

How do I copy multiple users when I am creating a new ticket. I know I can 'share' with other users once a ticket is created. But I want to do that when I am creating a new ticket, is that possible?

2 answers

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Mike Bowen
Rising Star
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February 21, 2020

HI @RamR 

  • Are you the customer or are you creating a request on behalf of a customer?
  • How many customers or organisations are there?
  • Are the "multiple users" you want to copy part of your team or the customer? 



RamR February 21, 2020


@Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group  thank you.

@Mike Bowen 

1. I need this option for the customers who create the ticket to be able to copy more members on the ticket.

2. about 100+

3. they are part of the customers and it is an internal help desk not outside of org yet.

Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 25, 2020

Hi @RamR 

You could ask your customers to create a mailing list (that includes all the people they want on the request) and once it is created, log in as the mailing list account and create the request. When the email notification is sent everyone on the mailing list will receive it. 



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Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
Community Leader
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February 20, 2020

You should add the requested participants field on the request type screen, that way users can be added as part of the ticket creation

Agent February 22, 2020

hi hernan, i have the same question. for the next gen project, i cant move the request participants field on the main/submit screen. thanks

Hernan Halabi - Elite IT Consulting Group
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
February 24, 2020

Hello, I try to avoid next gen projects since they don't have all the functionalities I have in classic projects. I would suggest migrating the project to a classic one

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