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Copy in Organization field

Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) February 24, 2020

you can't copy the information from the organization field after the new update.

Anotación 2020-02-24 151527.png

2 answers

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Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) March 5, 2020


what we do is we copy the values of the organization and we paste them in the notify to field. 

we already have a list of organizations/users. the problem is just we can't copy/paste the users ( we go faster by copying and pasting).

as you can see in the picture: we copy LHI INTERNATIONALE... and we paste it in the field below. 

0 votes
Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
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February 24, 2020

Hi @Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) 

Can you please provide a more detailed question, I don't understand what your request is. 



Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) February 25, 2020


in some tickets, when we try to copy the information in the organization field we can't do it. With the old version, we were allowed to do it but now we are not able to copy the information.

Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 25, 2020

Hi @Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) 

What information? The organisation field is for the customer company name. Do you want to be able to change the organisation name or fill it in if it was not filled in by customer? 

If your agents are unable to fill in organisation or create a new organisation or add one to the ticket, you need the Service Desk Agent role/permission. Check this out:


Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) February 25, 2020


we are able to change the organization name and we can do it but if we want to copy in order to paste it we can't.

what we do is we copy the customer company name and then we paste it in the notify to field.

thank you

Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
February 25, 2020

Hi @Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) 

Okay, not sure what the Notify to field is, but all fields and text on the Jira Service Desk request screen can be copied since it is a website. 

Maybe you can provide a screenshot of what you are doing and what is happening. 



Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) February 25, 2020

What we do is copy the information in the organization which in this case we copy "CS EAST PL72 PL94 PH" and then we paste it in the notify to field. but now with the new version we're not able to copy it. Instead we have to click the button with the group of people right to the notify field and it takes more time.

Anotación 2020-02-26 081631.png

Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 5, 2020

Hi @Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) 

For the Notify To field, what are the default values of this field? I can see this field is a group field and this is not normally associated with an organizations instead user names unless you have defined values. 

Is it your intention for this field to have a list of organizations or users?  

Has the Notify To field changed any way? 



Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) March 5, 2020


what we do is we copy the values of the organization and we paste them in the notify to field. 

we already have a list of organizations/users. the problem is just we can't copy/paste the users ( we go faster by copying and pasting).

as you can see in the picture: we copy LHI INTERNATIONALE... and we paste it in the field below. 

thank you

Rosa Rosinés (SmartHub) March 5, 2020


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