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Connecting a customer account to Jira REST Api

Carlos A_ López Ortín January 10, 2022

Hello, experts:

Here I am, again, trying to make my app works.

I was able to make my app connect to Jira Rest Api using OAUTH2 (3LO) and my account. I went to my developer console, configured my APP, and added app ID and secret to my code, and it works flawesly.

Then it was time to a customer to connect to the app and get some issues. I opened the app, went to the authorize page, logged in with her credentials, and... It has no permission to connect to Jira.

So, I wrote a mail to Atlassian support in order to make the app public. After a Week, I was able to reconfigure the app in my developer console with public permissions. Great.

Today, I started the app again, logged in with customer account and a window error appeared:

"Something went wrong
You don't have an Atlassian Jira site to connect WebExtranet to. Visit to create a site.

Something's not right? Raise a support request."


I don't know what it means. This "user" has no real Atlassian account (just a customer account), so it can't has any Jira site. And still, can't connect to my site to get their issues. What am I doing wrong?

2 answers

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Carlos A_ López Ortín January 10, 2022

Sorry, I wasn't replying.

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Joseph Chung Yin
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January 10, 2022

@Carlos A_ López Ortín -

Customers don't need Atlassian account to access your JSM portal and they should access their issues via the portal UI.  Please provide more context on your custom app and the reasons behind the scene that for them to access their issues outside of the portal UI?

So, I can understand and offer my suggestion.

Best, Joseph Chung Yin

Jira/JSM Functional Lead, Global Infrastructure Applications Team

Viasat Inc.

Carlos A_ López Ortín January 10, 2022

Ups, I reply in the wrong field. Sorry.

Ok, more context:

We're a software and support company. We're making a .NET Core portal where our customers can check the status of their orders, invoices and some charts. Becasue we give them support, we need to offer information about issues that they've reported, time spent and some other info we get from Jira.

The idea is that they can check all the info in our portal, with no need to open a second web browser window (eventually, even with no need to log in Jira either), and even having a nice and fast summary in the dashboard.

So, for full integration, we added a "support" tab on our app, that uses OAUTH2 to retrieve information from REST API. But I don't know how to get the issues from our customers accounts if the first thing we need is to connect to Jira using the authorization webpage.

Also, some help to making unnatended login will be appreciated.

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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January 10, 2022

Thanks Carlos for the updates.

I don't believe customer can utilized OAUTH2 to obtain authentication.  Is your "authorization webpage" a custom page your team developed or using Atlassian page?

I would recommend you also to submit another formal Support Request with Atlassian, so they can investigate further by looking at the logs to pinpoint the cause.

Best, Joseph

Carlos A_ López Ortín January 10, 2022

No, we are using Atlassian authorization page as indicated on this tutorial:

The "authorization page" is in the "authorization server" as indicated in the link, and it's mandatory in order to access REST API using OAUTH2.

I was thinking in using Basic Authentication, but I rejected the idea because security issues, and because it was said it will be deprecated soon.

Joseph Chung Yin
Community Leader
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January 10, 2022

Ok.  In this case, you will need to follow-up with Atlassian Support for more assistance.  Love to hear what they have to say.

Best, Joseph

Carlos A_ López Ortín April 21, 2022


I was in contact with Atlassian Support, and they told me that, for JSM Customers, right now, there is no way to log in Jira Cloud using OAuth2. It's scheduled, but they don't know when it will be developed.

So they suggested me to use Basic Authentication instead, but I have a problem: in order to use BA, I need to create an API Token, and the only way to do it is through Atlassian API Tokens manager page. I can't see a way to create it automatically, so it means that I need to create an API Token for every JSM Customer manually, save on my DDBB or elsewhere, and retreive it in order to use it to make BA calls to Jira API?

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