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Confluence KB articles not visible in Service Desk portal

Gaming IT
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October 16, 2020

Good Afternoon, 


We have a Jira Service Desk (Server) 4.5.8  and Confluence (Server) setup on premise, they are both working behind a proxy (NGINX) and are only accessible via HTTPS with an Internal CA Signed certificate. So far both of them are working good and as they should.

I started to create an application link via HTTPS and I was not successful. After several research I found a way to create the link via HTTP by bypassing the proxy and creating a second connector listening HTTP on a different port both on the Service Desk and Confluence. So now I access both server's front-end via https while I have both server's application link on http and using different ports. 

Service Desk -

Confluence -


SD Application link -

Conf Application link-


The link is working without any errors, Confluence Spaces with Service Desk projects are being linked and I even manage to see the relevant KB article visible in the Service Desk Portal, however when I try to open the article it keeps on loading end it is never displayed. 


I try to access the front-end via HTTP:// and everything works fine, including the search function with articles in the portal, so it's not a matter of permissions I believe.

Is there anyway I can get the link to work via HTTP and still access both servers via https? or else do I need to change everything to https ?


Thanks a lot 



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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 21, 2020

Hi Matt,

I see that you are trying to integrate Jira Service Desk server with Confluence server in order to provide a knowledgebase, however it sounds like the integration is not working as expected.

I suspect that when trying to access the site over HTTP directly, when the base URL is set to an HTTPS value in each product, your browser is likely going to prevent some content being displayed due to what is called a mixed-content error.  It tends to be a way that browsers today are trying to be more secure and manage the end user's expectation about where content is actually coming from.

That said, if you are wanting to use HTTPS for the sites, then I would suggest we try to setup the application link to use HTTPS as well here.  The most common problem I see with this kind of configuration is that in order for this to work, both Jira and Confluence will need to have each other's certificate in each truststore of Java.  There are steps on how to add a certificate to the truststore when using a public cert over in How to import a public SSL certificate into a JVM.  You must have done this once already to provide the Jira cert for that application, but in this case you also need to add the Confluence cert to Jira's truststore and vice versa for Confluence so that each application can establish SSL connections with each other.

Try this and let me know if you run into any problems with this.


Gaming IT
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
Those new to the Atlassian Community have posted less than three times. Give them a warm welcome!
October 22, 2020

Hi Andy, 

Thanks a lot for your help, I managed to get the Application link working via https. I imported each certificate into the opposite server as you said.

The only change I made is, in the step by step link you posted, I was trying to import the certificate with the following command 

<JAVA_HOME>/bin/keytool -import -alias <server_name> -keystore /opt/atlassian/jira/jre/lib/security/cacerts -file public.crt

and got the following error: keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Input not an X.509 certificate

so as an alternative way I had to use the following: keytool -importkeystore -destkeystore cacerts -srckeystore <Certificate certificate file location> -srcstoretype pkcs12 -deststorepass changeit -srcstorepass <certificate pass key> -validity 3650

Certificate format was .pfx

I double checked that the certificates were was successfully imported and restarted the service. 

Thanks a lot 


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