Confirm field information when request is submitted.

jake.mcauley February 21, 2020

Is it possible to ask users to confirm the information they have entered into specific ticket fields?

We have a new starters form and have found that when requests are been submitted there have been typo's in the users name. Ideally it would be great to have another measure in place so that once the request has been completed and the submit button is clicked, the username field would pop up and ask users to confirm the name is entered correctly.


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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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February 21, 2020

There is no way to do this OOTB. While the following isn’t in the same “session” you might consider something like this:

use automation to automatically transition issues back to the customer - Waiting for Customer and ask them to confirm which sends the issue back to Waiting Support

jake.mcauley February 21, 2020

Ok, thank you for your response and solution.

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