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Checkbox with multiple options selectable and interrogating Checkbox option ticked

Scott Patten May 22, 2020

G'day Atlassians,

I am constructing different request types for a service desk project.
What I have found is that upon creating a checkbox field with 2 or 3 options to choose from, and when I test it, the options are all selectable and remain chosen when alternative options are chosen.

Resulting in both or all 3 options being assigned.

I want to work with 2 fields that would allow a matrix to be created.

My aim is to get an option chosen and have it interrogated to allow the Urgency to be assigned. 

for example.

if for field 1 option 1 is FULLY and Field 2 option 1 is Yes then Urgency is set to Lowest
if for field 1 option 1 is PARTIALLY and Field 2 option 1 is Yes then Urgency is set to LOW
if for field 1 option 1 is NO and Field 2 option 1 is YES then Urgency is set to MEDIUM
if for field 1 option 1 is FULLY and Field 2 option 1 is NO then Urgency is set to CRITICAL

Do I need to have some sore of script in JQL run to determine the result of the requester's requirements so as to automatically assign the urgency to the project.

Regards and thanks in advance.




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Michael Andolfatto
Rising Star
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May 22, 2020

Hi @Scott Patten ,

You would probably want to be using the Radio Button field instead as it allows only one selection at a time. This could be achievable using Jira Cloud's built in automation.

If for example, the user selects Fully for the first field set, and Yes in the second, you could have your automation rule pick up on it and after the issue is created, set the Urgency field to the proper value.

Scott Patten May 24, 2020

G'day Michael,

Thanks so much for the feedback.

One point though, I am assuming to take on the Jira Cloud's built it automation capability and the radio buttons would also result i taking on another module of the Jira application family. Would that be a correct assumption and as such more $$ per month?.


regards and thanks in advance


Michael Andolfatto
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 24, 2020

Previously yes, but Atlassian has since acquired the company of the automation plugin and integrated it with Cloud functionality free of charge.

Cloud users with the Standard plan have an unlimited number of rules that can be executed in a single project's scope. If a rule applies to two or more projects there is a cap of around ~500 executions per month I believe.

You can read up on automation here:

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Scott Patten May 24, 2020

You guys are Legends !!!!

thanks for the enlightenment!

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