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Cant Tag/Mention users in comments or add as watchers

Richard Marnell
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June 5, 2020

I have a few people in my organization who cant tag/mention users. They are in a group that has the "Browse Users" permission enabled. Its a group of about 40 people and only 2 that i know of cant do it. I haven't heard back from anyone else yet but I can do it and so can a few other users in there. What else am i missing?


I just created a ticket to test and make sure i can tag/add as a watcher and I was not able to add one of those people as a watcher and i cant tag them in the comments. The other user i was able to do both. They both have access to Jira Service Desk, the one i can tag is a "team member", the one i cant is a "customer". 

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 8, 2020

Hello Richard,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

I saw that you created a ticket with our support related to the same question and they are already helping you with this request, so to avoid any possible misunderstandings or miscommunication that may arise from discussing the same matter in two different platforms, let's focus on the ticket instead.

Once the ticket is resolved, feel free to share the resolution with us to help other community members that may have the same issue.


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