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Cannot display pending user invites not displaying in portal

Deleted user January 10, 2020

User invites sent but the pending invites do not display in the User Management Portal.

2 answers

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Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 13, 2020

Hi Henry, 

You saying they don't appear in that list you showed me early, just 3 users appear and those are the ones that have accepted or signed up... so you are missing three invites. That is strange. 

That I can't explain, because on the cloud they appear alongside those that have accepted. 

One final thought, try removing those invites from User Administration - Jira Service Desk and then resending the invites. 

Failing that - You might want to try Atlassian Support on this one! 


0 votes
Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 13, 2020

Hi @[deleted] 

I use the following method to determine a pending invite versus someone who has signed up. 

Try looking under Customer / Organisation where you sent the invites from. 

If an email address is still visible twice then that user has not signed up yet, however if there is a username then you know that user has signed up (unless of course the user used their email address as their username).

Tip: Ideally you will have edited your Customer Invite email and mentioned to user firstname lastname as the username. 

Invited vs pending users.png


Deleted user January 13, 2020

Hello Mike and thank you for the information.  Unfortunately I still do not see any 'pending' invites in the Jira Service Desk portal.  See screen shot below.  DO you have any other suggestions?

Jira Service Desk Portal.png

Mike Bowen
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 13, 2020

Hi @[deleted] 

Try sending an invite to a personal email address or a dummy email address. Does it appear with the email address only? If you want to send it to - I won't sign up, but what does it show on that screen you have showed me? 

Based on my findings, those users listed look like they have signed up, unless you know for sure they having. (thus not pending), but try sending an invite to another email address. 


Deleted user January 13, 2020

Hi Mike, Yes those users that you see in the screen shot have signed up in response to the emails sent.  I just sent another email invitation to another users and still do not see any entry (pending/accepted) in the portal.  That would make three email/invites that I have sent that do not show up in the portal.

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