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Can we create interactive Dashboards on JIRA Service Mgmt, on prem version

Inthikab Thahir September 27, 2022

I am working on an on-prem version of JIRA Service Management. Can someone tell me if we can create interactive dashboards using sliders or dropdown to select the master parameters and display the data in the widgets based on the selected paramaters?

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Dirk Ronsmans
Community Leader
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September 27, 2022

Hey @Inthikab Thahir ,

Not really, there are some manipulations possible but most gadgets are linked to a filter and only allow a "drilldown" to the issue search.

You might want to look at an app for it. One that I can recommend is Custom Charts for Jira

It's not a full reporting tool but it really enhances the dashboard pages with a lot of new gadgets and reports.

Inthikab Thahir September 27, 2022

Thanks much @Dirk Ronsmans will check that out.

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