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Can the “page forward” button at the bottom of the page in search results also be put at the top

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October 5, 2021

Can the “page forward” button at the bottom of the page in search results also be put at the top so that it isn’t necessary to keep scrolling to the bottom to go to another page.

Please find below Attaching the screen shot for your reference.



2 answers

1 vote
Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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October 5, 2021

That would be nice for sure but unfortunately not. I suspect that there is an open suggestion for this. You may wish to search for such a suggestion and vote for it.

0 votes
Sunil Singh October 5, 2021

Hi Naresh, is this screenshot from help center, I just need one help, from helpcenter portal, I want if we can filter ticket by date and export as well, can we do that,?? Thanks



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