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Can a customer receive notifications of a ticket when it was created by an agent?

Aranza Valdez May 29, 2020
Hello, I am new to Jira Service desk and I am trying to configure it

Currently, my external clients contact us through a live chat (intercom) and then the agents create the tickets, however the clients do not receive notifications of the tickets. 

Can a customer receive notifications of a ticket when it was created by an agent?


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Ismael Jimoh
Rising Star
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May 30, 2020

Hi @Aranza Valdez 

Can you make sure of the following:

  1. The client is in either the reporter, request participant fields
  2. Email notifications are triggered to include customer access
  3. That the tickets have a customer request type set(without this even when the above 2 are set correctly, no notifications will be fired to your client)

If all these have been set correctly then please provide some more information and context as we will need this to help narrow down the problem.

1 vote
edwin vasquez
Rising Star
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May 30, 2020

Hello @Aranza Valdez 


Do they not get a ticket notifications even when the ticket is resolved?

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Tobias Binna
Rising Star
Rising Star
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June 2, 2020

Hey @Aranza Valdez 

How are your agents creating the JSD ticket? Are you using the Jira Cloud app by any chance? (we are the creators of that app)

If that's the case, the reason why the customer is not notified of the JSD ticket is because the Intercom app creates a regular Jira issue (in your JSD project) as opposed to a JSD request - they are similar but not the same. Have a look at the explanation in Atlassian's docs.

For now, you would have to manually convert the Jira issues into a Jira Service Desk issue. To do this, you need to manually select a Request Type and share the request with them via the share button. After that, notifications should be sent to the customer if you choose to do so.


This flow is not as efficient as it can be and it's something that we are aware of. We are looking into a tailor-made solution specifically for JSD that will cover this use-case and do all these steps for you.

Best regards,


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