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Can You create seperate external portals for users of different projects.

Christopher Leach July 8, 2020

Our jira instance is used for several different products and has corresponding service desks to support the 3 main products we support. The issue im running into as we expand is that one of the product teams wants to be able to open up their portal to be able to have any user logged in or not submit requests but those users should not be able to see the other projects. While it is fine for now as i can simply hide the projects that only logged in users can submit to if another product chooses to start doing something similar then i cannot "Hide them" from each-others users. 

Overall i need a solution to have multiple external portals from our jira instance so that users cannot see the other ones. any suggestions would be helpful. 

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Trudy Claspill
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July 8, 2020

Hello @Christopher Leach 

Refer to this:

In a nutshell, if you want to enable external customers to sign up for accounts for any one of your service desk projects through the Customer Portal (rather than manually adding each person to JIRA in advance of them being able to use the portal), all service desks that are set to "anyone can submit a ticket, but must be logged in" will be visible to all customers who have an account.

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