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Can We Integrate JSD cloud with an External Third Party Website?

Dibya ranjan
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July 27, 2020

Hi All,

We are currently using GitBook for our documentation, and this is the website URL for our public facing documentation: (this is an auto generated website from GitBook platform)

Is there any way we can integrate JSD with the aforementioned website so that when a user tries to create a ticket for a particular topic/subject on JSD, and if the topic already exists in our docs website (, then the content will be fetched form our doc website, and will be shown on JSD?

For example, in the attached image, I am searching for the keyword—cla, and the related kb articles are fetched from confluence. Is there any way that some more related kb articles can also be fetched from the above mentioned website which is (this is an auto generated website from GitBook platformJSD Search.png

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July 28, 2020

Hi @Dibya ranjan

I see that you're testing our Theme Extension for Jira Service Desk :) I'm a product owner of this app. Natively, we have only integration with confluence pages. But we can investigate your need. Please create a request on our customer portal: Describe in a few words what exactly do you need.



Dibya ranjan
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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July 28, 2020

Thank you for your quick response @Katarzyna . It's really good to hear that you will investigate our need. I have created a ticket for the same. 

Thank you again!


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