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Can Service Desk Integrate with Salesforce

Steve Feldman
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March 24, 2015

My team is contemplating making the switch from Zendesk to Service Desk. We use Salesforce for our CRM. We would like to seamlessly integrate our Service Desk implementation with Salesforce so we can better track our customer issues. Please let us know if this is possible.

Note we want to use the Atlassian hosted version. We use Atlassian On Demand for JIRA and Confluence today. We would like to remain in a cloud deployment.

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adrian jonas
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November 6, 2020

I had to contact the consultants for the integration of my website. So I recommend that you contact the support service

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Yamam Al Ghourani_ServiceRocket_ November 3, 2020

Hi Steve, 

You can absolutely integrate Salesforce and Jira Cloud/Server using our Connector for Salesforce & Jira add-on. 

You may want to watch our Evalueter's Guide short videos for an overview of how the connector works. 



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Benjamin Steele
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November 19, 2015

You can connect Service Desk to Salesforce using the Connector for Salesforce and JIRA by ServiceRocket.  The only issue is that you cannot update the Customer Request Type from Salesforce.  We use a custom field to map the type of request coming from Salesforce.

Dustin Zubke
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December 16, 2015

@Benjamin Steele Did you need to do anything special to connect Salesforce with Jira Service Desk using the Service Rocket connector? I am getting a "Jira Access Denied Error". Are you using Jira Server?

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Deividi Luvison
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March 31, 2015

The Connector for Salesforce and JIRA does integrates JIRA with Salesforce but not Salesforce with JIRA Servicedesk sad.

I've also searched around and did not found any other plugin that achieve that end. 

My suggestion is that you mail Service Rocket (owner of the connector plugin for sales force) and check if they have plans to adapt their plugin to connect JIRA Servicedesk as well:

Hope it helps.
Thanks and Regards,
David| The Engineer that like Windows for realsies.
Dawn Fama November 2, 2020

We have on prem JIRA Service Desk server version, not the cloud.

Can we use the Salesforce connector with JIRA Service Desk connector for server version

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