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Can Jira send an email if a issue threshhold is reached

Kimi Nakashima July 8, 2020

One of the ways we're using Jira Service Desk is to keep track of hard drives that we copy client data on and send out. For the most part it works great, each blank hard drive is an issue and we can see where each of them are (in storage, copying, shipped). What I want to know is if there's a way to get Jira to send an email to our purchaser when the total number of drives (issues) that are in storage is less than a certain threshhold. (Yes, whoever is physically plugging in drives can do this but let's face it people get busy and forget. Jira, once properly configured, will always remember)

After searching documentation and the community, I'm pretty sure that this can't be done out of the box. I know that cloud has a gadget that will alert you, but 1) we're moving to server and the File Counts gadget doesn't exist in server and 2) a gadget on the dashboard requires me to check it constantly and then email the purchaser myself.

I can also see myself using something like this to alert me if one of our agents is assigning themselves to more tickets than they should handle (ie send me an alert if an agent has more than 10 open tickets).

I'm willing to look at 3rd party apps and I have started to, but honestly there's a lot out there in the marketplace and I'm not exactly sure what kind of app I'm looking for (Reporting? Notification?) Any help would be much appreciated.

2 answers

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Petr Vaníček
Rising Star
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July 9, 2020


I think Insight can help a lot.

And much more if you are open to change the way how you are working. Like using Insight CMDB instead of issues as hardware objects. Insight has automation and you can run also Groovy scripts in it.

Try to look.

Kimi Nakashima July 9, 2020

I have looked at Insight and other CMDB options, but something like that requires more input (and debate) from the rest of the IT team since they'd be using it as well. It's not currently a priority for the team and our budget is tight so a decision is unlikely to come soon. 

On the other hand, tracking of the drives has to be done NOW and a spreadsheet was not optimal so I made something quick and simple to track the drives using Jira.

I'm really just looking for a stopgap solution that's fairly inexpensive (ie in the $100-200 range) that I hopefully will be able to use in other situations.

Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
Rising Star
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July 9, 2020

What other plugins do you already have installed? It could help us come up with a solution for you.

Kimi Nakashima July 9, 2020

We are using the following plug-ins:

  • Automation for Jira
  • Raley Email Notifications for Jira
  • Tempo Timesheets: Time Tracking & Report for Jira
  • Workflow Essentials for Jira
  • ProForma: Forms & Checklist for Jira

I was actually just starting to look at your suggestion for Notification Assistant for Jira and seeing if I could maybe swap it for Raley notifications.

Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
Rising Star
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July 9, 2020

The best thing I can suggest is to have an issue called "order more hard drives" which I am calling IT-123 in this example then link a bunch of hard drive issues to it. Then use a JQL for something like (untested)  this and send an email when it's true:

key = IT-123 and issueLinkType not in (blocks)
0 votes
Boris Berenberg - Atlas Authority
Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 9, 2020

We support the inverse of this in Notification Assistant for Jira ( where we send a notification when there are more than a certain number of JQL results. If you could reframe your logic in that manner, you could use our tool out of the box.

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