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Can I add custom Predefined Series in reports?

Sam Neilson February 21, 2020

We want to add custom Predefined Series based on Custom Field? We want to show list of Issues submitted by Organization. 

2 answers

3 votes
Bharath Kumar Kappala
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February 21, 2020

@Sam Neilson Yes that can be done in JSD easily if you go to the reports, here is some documentation on how that can be done.

Hope this helps!!

Marcelo Javier Macchi January 14, 2021

Hi Bharath. I have the same question as Sam. I have read the link but there is no information about how to add or edit Predefined Series to select at Add/Edit Series.

For example I want to create a serie to show "Closed" issues, but at the the moment to select the serie the combobox only shows "Created and Resolved" as predefined series. Is there a way to add other values?


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Bradley Stickles
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December 6, 2021

@Bharath Kumar Kappala are there any updates on this? I'm trying to create a report from a custom field I created that is a user entered date rather then the system generated date like "Created and Resolved"

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1 vote
Patricia Campos October 5, 2020

Hi @Sam Neilson , were you able to accomplish the report?

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