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Bulk Change JIRA user passwords

Rose Sahagun August 20, 2018


We have a client that we built a customer portal for and this client does not want to go through and create their own accounts to access the portal.

We have been manually updating these accounts and setting a generic password but they now have 200 users they want this set up for - so we are looking for BULK  way to do this.

Anyone face this situation before? or know if bulk setting customer portal user passwords is possible? 


Thanks in advance!!


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Brant Schroeder
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August 20, 2018


 There is not a great way to bulk update passwords in JIRA.  If you were using a self hosted instance there are work arounds.  Since you are in the cloud you are very limited.  I am assuming that you are using the JIRA internal directory to manage accounts.  If the users do not exist yet JIRA will set their password on creation and send them an invite where they can then login and set their own password.  You could use the JIRA API to create the users and then an email would be sent to them. 

If the users already exist in the internal directory you might think about sending a communication to them that explains how to reset their password.  


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