Best way to escalate / re-categorize from support tickets?

Steven Mahoney
February 10, 2020

Hey everyone, I know this has probably been asked a million times before, but I'm struggling setting up workflows in Jira. Attached is our current support workflow and a bug workflow I'm using as a template. I haven't figured out one for feature requests yet, but I was thinking of modifying the bug workflow for it. 

We get our tickets via email, so our support team first categorizes tickets as a Bug, Feature Request, or Problem.

If it's a Problem, it currently follows the first workflow and if it's a bug it follows the second workflow. These workflows seem to generally be ok, but if we find out in the middle of escalation or working on a ticket that it's a bug, how can we mark it as a bug? Do we just create a linked issue on the bugs section and create an automation rule that will update linked issues? If a bug already exists and this is a duplicate report from another customer, do we just link the original ticket to an existing bug?

Also, does anyone have a good example of how they handle multi-tier support? It looks like if something gets escalated from a tier 1 support desk to tier 2, that the tier 2 could further escalate it to tier 3 by just changing the email in the Escalated section.


current workflow jira service.pngJira-Workflow-3 (1).jpg



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