Best practice for Project Automation, Run rule as, project default

Henry Fordyce April 3, 2020

Currently, Service Desk sends reminders and alerts to our users using automation rules for the project. For example (screenshot):

2020-04-03 12_47_49-Engineering & Services Service Desk - Automation - Service Desk.png

The problem is that these automated notifications look like they come from Cody, which leads to recipients ignoring real, live, personal communication from Cody.

What would be the best practice for assigning the default "Run rule as" user?

I considered creating a user named "Service Desk Automation."

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Angélica Luz
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 8, 2020

Hello Henry,

Welcome to Atlassian Community!

When using the Automation in Service Desk, to run the automation it's necessary to let a default user that is usually an administrator. As you mentioned, it will look like Cody made the change, but it was the automation doing it on their behalf.

I don't know if you saw the changes on Service Desk, but now the Automation for Jira is part of Jira and not a separate add-on anymore. 

In the future, the automation you are using will be migrated to the Project automation and this new automation doesn’t require to add a default user. 

With that said, I'd suggest you to create the same rule on Project automation. It has more options and you won't need to set a default user to run it. 

Screen Shot 2020-04-08 at 12.32.57.png

If you have any other questions regarding this matter, please let us know.


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