Currently our company has a very manual process for release notes and they’re just created on-demand for certain customers and issues that were relevant to them. We don't have formal sprints or release versions and are constantly updating our product and would like to be able to automatically capture these updates in a Change Log that customers can visit online or subscribe to.
Here is my brainstorm for this, keeping in mind that we are migrating to continuous integration / continuous deployment at some stage (CI/CD)
- All ENG tickets need documentation where the experience for users will be affected (Should we create a checkbox/flag for this)?
- When closing ENG ticket where the experience for users will be affected, developer fills out ‘developer notes’ field
- Once developer notes are filled that triggers DOC tasks:
- Populate release notes fields - Public Summary and Public Description
- Create Knowledge Base article
- Create blog post and potentially a newsletter or EDM
- Release to PROD should not be allowed until:
- QA is complete
- DOC tasks are finished
- Information that is populated in the Public Summary and Public Description field should be made available via a Change Log page on our website or Help Centre.
I would love to hear how this is possible with Jira and how others have implemented this.