Is there a way to create a trigger that sends a specific automatic response based on predetermined time slots?
Exemple : If a client sends a chat asking a question after our business hours, it would send an automatic reply saying that we will be back tomorrow.
Thanks for your help!
You should lot here what you learned.
Here's what I did with JQL to have an automation based on out of business hours :
(("Customer Request Type" = "Chat (SUP)") and ((created > startOfDay()) and (created < startOfDay("+8h")))) or (("Customer Request Type" = "Chat (SUP)") and ((created > startOfDay("+16h")) and (created < endOfDay())))
Although, now I am having trouble to also seperate for the weekend using the "startofweek" and "endofweek".
Any advice for that?
Is there any official support for this yet? I'm trying to configure it but the setup is tricky.
Official support meaning an in-built feature from Jira to edit your automatic reply based on business hours, rather than manual creation & configuration of an automation rule.
Ctrudel's idea could work and it's a start, but it's incomplete with it's weekend parameters.
Agreed, it could be made easier. You might provide feedback to Atlassian via the in-app feedback link. While getting the JQL correct can be a challenge it is doable. I would try to create in parts and then connect the parts. Weekdays after hours and weekends.
Thanks for the reply,
I've not used JQL before, so I'd appreciate any assistance I could get with it. That's including any self-teaching links or tutorials you could link me to.