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Auto-import and auto-assign in Jira Service Management?

Soren Riis-Vestergaard January 11, 2022

Hi community


This is my very first Atlassian Forum post :). I come from the ServiceNow world and I have recently started a new position as internal chief consultant in an organization using Jira. I have close to no experience with Jira and I am investigating what Jira can do for us with regards to improving our customer service management.


What should I expect if I want to achieve the following in Jira and/or Jira Service Management:

1. Our customers send different types of requests and question to one customer service mail address (Single Point of Contact).

2. The mails are automatically fed into Jira from Microsoft Outlook/Exchange (365) and a Jira case/issue is auto-created for each.

3. Based on the mail content, each case/issue is auto-assigned to a group/team, i.e. if the content contains "Product A", it is assigned to Product As team. Mails that cannont be deciphered unambiguously are assigned to the service desk for human triage.

4. Each case/issue is under one or more SLAs, e.g. Time-to-resolve, which can be unique for each team and/or product. 

Thanks a lot in advance :)!

Soren from Denmark

2 answers

1 vote
Ravi Sagar _Sparxsys_
Rising Star
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January 11, 2022

Hi @Soren Riis-Vestergaard 

Let me try to help.

1. Native feature in JSM, there is also a customer portal apart from email requests.

2. Native feature in JSM.

3. You can use Automation on Jira cloud or use an app like ScriptRunner for Jira (Cloud or Server) for doing that. I made a video showing how to parse the description and update a field using regular expressions.

4. SLAs are configurable based on various fields

I hope it helps.


Soren Riis-Vestergaard January 13, 2022

Ravi, your reply is a great help, thank you very much!!

0 votes
Soren Riis-Vestergaard January 28, 2022

Hello Community

Is there a feature/modul, probably AI based and featuring machine learning, where the following automatic triage tasks can be executed:

Mails to a specific Outlook mail address are 1) captured, 2) a Jira case is created, 3) the mail text is parsed, 4) case is categorized based on content, 5) based on category, SLA-targets (e.g. time to respond) are set ,  and 6) based on category, case is assigned to the correct team in Jira 

It may, or may not be, a third party add-on.

Thanks a lot in advace!

Søren from Denmark

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