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Assignee while approve

Mohamed Saad Taha October 2, 2022


I want to configure the workflow to prompt the approver to choose assignee while approving by configuring screen to pop up on the transition of the approval but it didn't work till I remove the condition "Issue transistion will be blocked if there is a pending approval."  but I found two buttons for the approval appear in the agent portal !!


can you please advice 

3 answers

0 votes
Mohamed Saad Taha October 13, 2022

HI Experts,

No one have any suggestion!!!!!

0 votes
Mohamed Saad Taha October 5, 2022

any idea please

0 votes
Mohamed Saad Taha October 3, 2022


Mohamed Saad Taha October 3, 2022

as per the screen shoot there is condition "pending approval " casue there is approval configured in the open phase  and there is screen configured to prompt the approval to choose assignee but it didn't show as long as there is condition and if I remove this condition from condition tap the approve button appear twice one will pop-up the screen and the other didn't show the pop-up

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