Assignee replying to ticket notification via email - pros and cons

Priyendu Bhardwaj
June 12, 2019

As I understand, ticket assignee, reporter and requested participant can reply to the ticket notification via email and that is added as a public comment to the ticket. Which in turn send update notifications to others. So everyone is updated.

I am debating pros and cons of Service Desk Agents relying on emails instead of using JSD interface for customer response.


  • Ease of use, stay in mailbox and reply to all notifications.


  • Ticket status needs update, workflow has to be followed, staying away from the interface may lead to straying from the process.
  • No private comment can be added, all comments are public.

Appreciate comment on this so that I can update my best practices list.

1 comment

Tony Schaps November 18, 2019

I wonder how you decided to do this-- an option you don't mention is letting both agents and customers use email or web interface, whichever they're most comfortable with, and then private comments can still be added to tickets via web interface.

I have a pretty new ServiceDesk setup and was disappointed to find that email replies from customers just go into nothingness unless everything is set up correctly (still isn't) - 
I still can't seem to get the notifications to work, so my customers have been replying to tickets via jira@[name], and I am neither getting those responses nor is the ticket getting updated.

I find it kind of baffling that email responses to ticket updates come to Atlassian, but because something isn't configured, it just drops them. It neither forwards them to the agent on the ticket nor updates the ticket nor even bounces it back to the sender saying it couldn't be delivered. This is apparently the default behavior, and it makes no sense that the system would not know something is wrong.
I didn't set up this system, someone else in our org did who's too busy to troubleshoot it right now, so I am trying to figure it out. 

Yeah, I should create my own ticket, I just like to search through forums for already-asked questions before duplicating. 


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