Assignee locked in ServiceDesk

Rechnung November 5, 2018

By some mistake my agents are no more allowed to switch the assignee. Up to now, they were able to assigne issues to each other, in order to cover different topics. 

When I click into the assignee name, nothing happens. Clicking the pen next to the assignee, the edit-issue screen appears with assignee-field readonly. When I mouseover, it shows this sign

Users are still able to pull their issues (assign to me), but cannot assign each other.

Permissionhelper says permissions were alright, anyways I configured the assign-permission redundant because of this problem (directly to jira-servicedesk-users and project role SD-Agent).


  • JIRA 7.5.3
  • ServiceDesk 3.8.4

6 answers

1 vote
Rechnung November 12, 2018

The problem relates somehow to scriptrunner: when I disable scriptrunner it's solved. Removing my scripted fields from the service desk project, is no solution (problem remains).

Im using the latest version of scriptrunner (5.4.39), but the problem occured already before last update. 

1 vote
Jack Brickey
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November 5, 2018

you need to go to project > project settings > permissions and ensure that the desired users are included in the Assign Issues permission.

Rechnung November 5, 2018

My permissions are the following:


Rechnung November 5, 2018

Maybe the issues is releated to an automated restart of my jira instance on the weekend?

Jack Brickey
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November 5, 2018

I see u have "Service Desk Team" project role as being able to Assign Issues which is good. Now check to ensure that the users are in this role. If they are then the user should be able to assign an issue to another agent.

Rechnung November 5, 2018

I just added the 3 dedicated users directly to the team-role, but nothing changes. They are project admins as well. 

Last week I created two scripted fields in scriptrunner, which  I disabled (return null) for investigation.

Rechnung November 5, 2018

Even permission helper says it's all right. Which log should I check?

Rechnung November 5, 2018

I just raised the permissions, without any impact:


Jack Brickey
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November 5, 2018

i'm unsure where the issue might lie TBH. I'm thinking you have some script or permission scheme possibly thru third-party addon that is interfering. I'm tied up today after returning from vacation and would recommend you reach out to Atlassian Support or waiting for others to chime in here.

0 votes
Rilwan Ahmed
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March 14, 2021
0 votes
Rechnung November 14, 2018


I had configured a scriptrunner behaviour for default assignee, which I deleted now.

<config use-validator-plugin="false" name="SD-Default-Assignee" description="Weist SD-Tickets einen Standardbearbeiter zu" guideWorkflow="JIRA Service Desk-Arbeitsablauf für IT-Support für Projekt SERVICE">
<field id="assignee" required="null" readonly="true" hidden="null"/>
<field id="issuetype" required="true" readonly="null" hidden="null"/>

0 votes
Rechnung November 9, 2018

I didn't find any special properties, just the one from the default ServiceDesk workflow.

The issue is still investigated by atlassian, but it seems to be related to Scriptrunner. Several weeks ago I had this problem after updating Scriptrunner:

0 votes
Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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November 6, 2018

Hi Florian,

You say you are editing the assignee, but more correctly you should use the Assign function located at the top of the issue to actually assign.


image.pngIs that available?

Rechnung November 6, 2018

Hi Susan, 

thanks for your reply. I just tried to assign (via shortcut A or button), but the assignee is locked anyways.
I already opened a support request, but with no result up to now.

Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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November 6, 2018

Hi Florian,

Not sure if you have access to the workflows, but some workflows will have a property on the step that will not allow assigning. 


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