Approver users

Fariz Aliyev March 28, 2021

Hi guys.

I use jira software service management cloud. In my workflow i have approvers. When i (jira admin) create issue i see all my service desk users for adding to approvers (field). But when users creat issue they don't see users to add approver field.

I add some screens.


I login with service desk user and cant add approvers 



In this screen i add approvers with my login (admin in Jira)



This is my customer permissions 



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Dirk Ronsmans
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March 29, 2021

Hey @Fariz Aliyev ,

From the screenshots you seem to add the approvers from the agent view and not the portal. So the customer permissions don't really matter here.

If you don't see that type-ahead for specific users, this is usually related to the "global permissions".

There should be one called "browse users and groups" if the user trying to add a person (both in @mentions or in other type-ahead fields) they are missing that.

i'd suggest to take a look at those global permissions!

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