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Always share requests with organization to which that email is added

Deleted user September 20, 2021



I need to make sure that if a request is send from an email that is added into an organization group to be shared automatically with that organization.


In other words I wish to remove the option to not share the corresponding request with the organization from the contact form on our customer's portal.


Is there a way to do so?


Thank you in advance!

2 answers

0 votes
Sergio Melo November 19, 2021

Hello @Ajay _view26_ 


I have this same problem, but I need to update field based on the reporter's organization name automatically. How can I do this?


Thanks a lot!

Sergio Melo

0 votes
Ajay _view26_
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September 20, 2021

Hi @[deleted] 

You can use Automation for Jira to set the  organization field for achieving your use-case 

Example rule :-  When issue is created → update organization field based on reporter's email domain.

Refer to the example rule here 




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