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Alter field type

Michelle Greenfield September 18, 2019

I want to create a copy value post function, but the field type of the original value is different to the field type of the target field. 

1- what is the best way to do this?

2- should I alter the field types so the field types of the original field and target field match?

3- if I change the field types, will this affect existing issues?

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Andrew Laden
Rising Star
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September 19, 2019

You can't change field types of an existing field. So that's out.

A lot depends on what the field types are of the source and destination are. That will affect what happens on the copy. 

You will probably want to end up with a scripted post function. (script runner or power scripts) that can look at the value of the first field, and set the second based on it, but not a direct copy.

Michelle Greenfield September 19, 2019


I want to avoid installing another add on and I know nothing about writing scripts. Do I have the option of replacing the destination field with the exact same field as the source field? If so, how do I configure it so that the value from the source field is also copied to the destination field?

Andrew Laden
Rising Star
Rising Star
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September 20, 2019

Well you are going to need some sort of an add on, as there is no native jira post function to copy values from one field to another. But if you see a copy value post function already you probably have something. If not Jira Suite Utilities (JSU) is a commonly used add on that has a alot of useful post functions (and a lot of other stuff) that will make it easy.

Michelle Greenfield September 23, 2019

Thanks for your help

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