Agent ticket view layout

Alex Recinos April 4, 2024

Hello everyone,

I'm seeking guidance if anyone can please assist with my issue. How can I change my agent ticket view layout to look like this:

Screenshot 2024-04-04 082213.png


Currently our ticket view looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-04-04 082234.png


I feel the current layout is too busy and doesn't show key details. Ideally getting it as close as possible to the layout in the 1st image would be ideal. I tried to follow the steps in this link to no avail Review and modify the issue view layout | Jira Service Management Cloud | Atlassian Support 


Thanks in advance!

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Jack Brickey
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April 4, 2024

Hi @Alex Recinos , I'm not sure you can TBH. Your first image obviously is from server, and I suspect you have migrated from server to cloud and experiencing migration shock. 😉

so there's nothing you can do to the left side bar to simplify it. To the overall layout is set and cannot be re-shaped. The only thing you can change is which fields appear on the screen, which can be done using the configure button and the layout option. Based on the links you provided. I expect you are already aware of this. I wish I had a better answer for you, but I don't. 

Alex Recinos April 5, 2024

Thanks Jack,

This is our first go, we've never had an on prem instance but I was used to the view in the initial pic from previous jobs - They may have been server based now that you mention it. Thanks for the tip! We'll tweak it as best we can to make it come as close as possible.

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