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Add "Internal Comment" field to a screen

Benjamin Peikes February 27, 2019

We would like to have a transition for our service desk project which would only allow the entry of an internal comment. There doesn't seem to be a native way to do this. We were thinking a work around would be to create a "custom field" called "internal comment", and then use ScriptRunner to add the internal comment from the field. 

Does anyone have better ideas? For instance, is there a way to have fields on a screen that are not issue fields? It seems a little clunky to add a "custom field", simply for the purposes of having a way to collect some information in a screen, especially when the field isn't meant to hold data permanently, but only as long as it takes to run a script which would use it.


2 answers

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Anton November 8, 2019

Does anyone in the community has an answer. I only need a screen with an internal comment field on it without having to buy another add-in.

I really hope someone has an answer.

Thanks in advance.

0 votes
Paul Fechner August 8, 2019

I need the same feature as well.  

We use 3rd parties for development work and do no want our communication public.

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