Acces Denied to New Platform

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January 20, 2025


I need your assistance with accesing the company's new platform. Despite entering my corporate email address during the process, I have been unable to access the platform. 
Unfortunately, I am unable to attached a screenshot of the error message as it appears of the error message.
However, the error message indicates that my email address does not have access to the platform.
I would greatly aprecciate if you could help me to resolve this issue and grant me access to the platform. 

Thank you for your attention.

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Walter Buggenhout
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January 20, 2025

Hi @JOSE ALBERTO RIVAS VARGAS and welcome to the Community!

You have posted your message on a platform that is very much dedicated to helping users of Atlassian tools like Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Trello, Loom and more.

Whatever platform it is you can't get access to, you will probably find the best and fastest support by reaching out to your company's IT department, which should be able to verify your account and permissions.

Hope this helps!

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