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Ability to trace tickets which have been moved from Jira Service Desk to Jira Software

Heather Eccles
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February 20, 2020



Our company is currently demo'ing Jira so please accept my apologies if there is a very obvious answer to my question!


Basically, we have an IT department which is comprised of 2 teams - general support and software support. We have issues with our current ticketing solutions as the general support team and the software support team both use different ticketing systems and we are evaluating whether we can use Jira for both. The common scenario we face is that a ticket is submitted to our general support team, which upon investigation, then proves to be a s/w issue. The ticket is then closed and we have to open a new one on the s/w ticketing system, which leads to confusion.

For our trial, we have set up 2 separate projects, one within Jira Servcie Desk and 1 within Jira Software. We noticed you can easily use the Move function to pass the tickets between projects, which is perfect for us, but we then lose the original ticket information when the ticket passes across. Is there any way of retaining the ticket's Key between projects, or is the only way to do it by using the 'linked issue' option?






2 answers

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Jack Brickey
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February 20, 2020

Agree w/ Mariusz here. You don't want to use Move for JSD as it breaks the important connection w/ the customer. You should create a linked issue and use automation to make this 'better'. Given you are on Cloud, within the next few months you should have Automation for Jira built in which I use for this process and is quite effective.

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Mariusz Piotrowski February 20, 2020


from OOTB way of thinking you can only link issues. Customer creates issue in portal, you create software ticket and link it to SD ticket. All changes are manual. Moving to a higher level you can use i.e. Backbone to synchronize projects. Alternatively going more into custom you can install a scripting plugin i.e. Power Scripts or Script Runner and write scripts which can automate software ticket creation, linking and synchronization of changes.



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