Tis the season to update your public holiday calendar in Jira Service Management

While some public holidays fall on the same calendar day each year, many public holidays move around like Easter or Mondayised "observed" dates to give us long weekends. 

This creates a housekeeping task for those who administer one or more Jira Service Desk projects. 

Image result for calendar gif

To check and/or update the public holidays in your Jira Service Desk projects you need to review the SLAs. The process for this is here for Server, here for Cloud for classic projects, and here for Cloud next-gen projects.

A helpful website is Calendarlabs.com which lets you download an ics calendar file that you can upload into your SLAs.

Remember: You need to update each SLA in all Jira Service Desk projects separately as there the public holiday calendar is not shared.

Tip for Tempo users: Don't forget to update the public holidays for Tempo Timesheets as well.



Kat Warner
Atlassian Partner
January 5, 2020

I have updated 4 SLA calendars and sent an automated ticket creation for mid-December this morning.  

Jens Koester April 9, 2020

Cool, we have 10 Jira Service Desk projects, i update now each Project whit german holydays.
I love unnecessary work.

Maybe we have someday a calendar schema.

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Tom De Blende
June 1, 2020

So, for those holidays that change each year, what should we do to keep our SLA timers for previous years:

1) Change the holiday entry for each holiday to match the current year's date?

2) Create a holiday entry for each holiday each year?

Dave Liao
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
December 8, 2020

This article is always timely/appropriate. I just went through this exercise with a team, in a separate Jira app (not Jira Service Management, but same difference/problem/pain point). :)


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