When working with Automation, it’s common that when working with a Service Management project we encounter a problem that needs to be resolved in a non conventional way.
Today I’m here to show you how to build an hour centric Round Robin assignation schedule for your agents.
This means that we will build an Automation that does the following:
Auto assigns tickets to your Agents
Assigns to a different roster depending on the time of day.
Takes into consideration all 24 hours of the day.
What this allows you to have a controlled service desk, that can take into consideration, Lunch Times, Vacation and more.
In this exercise we will build the basic carcass of the Automation, which later on you can modify and adjust to your liking.
The basic syntax is the following:
Check Creation Time = Time Assigned
Perform Certain Actions based on this.
Actions can be:
Assign Ticket
Edit Ticket
Sent Email
The above format gets repeated for every hour of the day you need to assign. An example would be from 10:00 to 10:59 in a 24Hr format.
For example if your shift is 8 hours, we would have to repeat the above syntax 8 times and a 9th one for a catch all.
The last run is so that you can let your customers know that their ticket was received out of working hours so this one is optional :)
An example of this Automation can be found below:
All other hours in your shift should be covered by ELSE Commands as bellow:
NOTE: In the example above you will see a couple of hours being covered, this is useful when using this Automation to cover a whole shift.
With this you should be able to build the basic structure of your shifts and agent assignations.
Angel Buendia