By default, Insight import functionality inserts concatenator character when composing Attribute value from more external data locator values. The default concatenator is space and it is not currently possible to disable it; this is already described in scope of the following feature request: JSDSERVER-8622: Add option to remove the concatenator completely when importing objects
This Community post provides a possible workaround to remove the concatenator from an assembled Object key with a Groovy script, triggered from an Insight Automation rule.
The Groovy script can be executed, for example, on an Object update event with an Automation rule similar to the one on the screenshot:
Groovy code example:
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor;
def objectFacade = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor().getClassLoader().findClass(""));
def objectTypeAttributeFacade = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor().getClassLoader().findClass(""));
def objectAttributeBeanFactory = ComponentAccessor.getOSGiComponentInstanceOfType(ComponentAccessor.getPluginAccessor().getClassLoader().findClass(""));
def objectTypeAttributeBean = objectTypeAttributeFacade.loadObjectTypeAttributeBean(161).createMutable() //The id of the attribute, found in the object type Attributes screen
def objectAttributeBean = objectFacade.loadObjectAttributeBean(object.getId(), objectTypeAttributeBean.getId());
def attrValue = objectAttributeBean.getObjectAttributeValueBeans()[0].getValue()
def containsSpace = attrValue.contains(" ")
/* check if the attribute contains space inserted as a concatenator value, replace it with empty char */
if (containsSpace == true) {
attrValue = attrValue.replaceAll("\\s","")
/* debug value */
// log.warn("New value: " + attrValue)
/* Create the new attribute bean based on the value */
def newObjectAttributeBean = objectAttributeBeanFactory.createObjectAttributeBeanForObject(object, objectTypeAttributeBean, attrValue);
/* Load the attribute bean */
if (objectAttributeBean != null) {
/* If attribute exist reuse the old id for the new attribute */
/* Store the object attribute into Insight. */
try {
objectTypeAttributeBean = objectFacade.storeObjectAttributeBean(newObjectAttributeBean);
} catch (Exception vie) {
log.warn("Could not update object attribute due to validation exception:" + vie.getMessage());
Marko Filipan
Premier Support Engineer
11 accepted answers
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